Short holidays are great opportunities for catching up with what is available online. And obviously, there is sooo much to find!
Here is an overview of just a few nice available games that I found with a couple of limited Google searches:
The David J. Spencer museum home page has a very nice overview of the CDC Infectious Disease Trading Cards. They are all downloadable. The set includes several diseases of public health importance, with key characteristics. In addition, there are CDC activities for prevention and control, as well as popular public health programmes. There is no real game behind it, at least not any set of rules that I could find. However it seems to be a fun set to collect.
Teachers-pay-Teachers have a nice product for sale: Health lesson-Communicable disease card game. This is a real 52-card deck with Ace - King in four suits (hearts, spades, diamonds and heart) and it includes two Jokers. Each card has:
It allows students play ANY card game while learning about communicable diseases at the same time.
From the makers of Healing Blade (see below) and Occam's Razor is the fabulous Bacterionomicon; a compendium of infectious bacteria and antibiotics presented in the style of an RPG bestiary book, in order to use imagination, metaphor, and stories to aid learning and promote awareness about antibiotic misuse. Best to use with....
A crowdsourced project from NerdcoreMedical is 'Healing Blade'; a communicable disease variant of popular adventure card games, set up from a Kickstarter initiative. Unfortunately, it is currently sold out, and I could not find a downloadable version anywhere online. So my hopes are fixed on a new edition being published soon. The Vimeo based trailer is promising though:
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This online game aims at High School and Student level, to get people involved with the various roles in public health. It's a great experience, immersive, even while stills are used. It is basically a Choose Your Own Adventure scenario; quite entertaining.
The game is also available as CD rom.
Online epidemic control, either single player or with 3 friends. You can log in with your FaceBook account.
On this webpage, PowerPoint presentations can be downloaded, to prepare your interactive lectures, case studies, videos about an outbreak team and 3 online games.
The Outbreak Card Game has already been mentioned in previous posts. Yet it remains a very good resource for those who want to use games to prepare lectures / lessons to teach outbreak investigations.
Do you know more epidemiology related games? Please share with us in the comments below.