Ready to plan 2017?

Transmissible's 2017 Year Planner

Such lovely birthday present I got

The Transmissible Year Planner 2017 has arrived! In total, 102 historic Infectious Disease Icons and Saints appear on the planner. A quiz is incorporated in the margins of the planner; 17 descriptions to be linked to dates.

Curious for the details? Download the PDF here, for you to print out. Be aware that the planner requires to be printed on at least A2 size, preferably A1, in order to be useful as planning tool. However, printing it on A3 will probably allow you to read the fine print, and therefore have a go at solving the quiz. Link the descriptions to the correct dates and send the answers to, including your name and address, and have a chance to win a prize:

The first 5 people who submit the correct answers will receive a full color A0 size year planner.


Full color printed version also available in our shop.

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