From Molecule to Drug

Ankara Pilot Course Successful

Transmissible, as a member of the larger project Consortium led by Ankara University, recently participated in a collaborative workshop in Ankara, Turkey. The workshop aimed to pilot an educational program covering various stages of pharmaceutical development, from molecule discovery to drug production. It provided a platform for professionals from diverse backgrounds, including chemists, bioinformaticians, biologists, pharmacologists, entrepreneurs, clinicians, and regulatory agents, to share knowledge and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of drug creation. Transmissible's role is to develop creative training materials and organise two project meetings. Among the materials that Transmissible develops are an educational comic book, the project website and an e-course.

The workshop, titled "A Journey Through the Pipeline into a New Drug," was developed over the past year as part of an Erasmus+ project. It aimed to integrate all critical aspects of drug creation into educational experiences. The feedback from the pilot workshop was overwhelmingly positive, indicating significant progress in participants' understanding, as evidenced by pre- and post-activity tests, course assessments, and feedback. With the support of the European Union and the Turkish National Agency, the project is moving closer to realizing its vision. More information about the project can be found on the Erasmus+ project website.

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